Upon submitting your abstracts for Oral Presentation, your abstract might be selected for Young Investigators Award if you meet the following conditions:
» Diabetes mellitus
» Obesity
» Thyroid
» Adrenal
» Pituitary/Neuroendocrinology
» Parathyroid/Bone & Calcium Metabolism
» Reproductive Endocrinology
» Others (please specify)
Select the category which BEST describes the content of your abstract. Categories are used for reviewing and indexing purposes.
The title is limited to 120 characters excluding spaces and should be brief and relevant. Special characters should NOT be used in your title but spelt out instead (e.g. α should be written as alpha, β as beta). Only use standard abbreviations and generic drug names in the title. Capitalise each word in the title.
Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be published in the e-abstract/e-programme book exactly as submitted.